Alaska Film Archives

[KTVF news stories, pipeline, hospital, Valdez]
[KTVF news stories, pipeline, hospital, Valdez]
Some segments of film contain audio, and others are silent. Specific dates and other information noted on the original film are given here in parentheses. Footage includes semi-trucks loaded with pipeline sections and construction equipment at nighttime (sound) (undated), airport and university firemen being interviewed about a hangar fire at the Fairbanks International Airport (sound) (undated), a man being interviewed about emergency surgery rooms, labs, and other facilities at the new Fairbanks Memorial Hospital (sound) (titled "Hospital Tour") (January 30, 1972), views of the Worthington Glacier, Thompson Pass, waterfalls, a boat and crab pots, a KTVF van, the Valdez harbor, charter boats and people fishing, a Valdez pipe storage yard, the site of the future pipeline terminus and tank farm, Harry Henderson's grave, and people talking about pipeline activity in Valdez and the 1964 earthquake (sound) (undated), the University of Alaska Fairbanks physical plant, a reporter talking about the installation of a new water tank and the overhaul of the university water system (sound) (titled "Tank") (1972), people touring an empty building (silent) (titled "Hospital") (September 6, 1972), views of students and the campus at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (silent) (titled "U of A Open") (September 6, 1972), a man being interviewed about TVCC classes, a man playing a drum, a man playing guitar, and women being interviewed about Middle Eastern dancing or a belly-dancing class (sound) (undated).