Alaska Film Archives

[KTVF television footage and news stories from Fairbanks during 1976]
[KTVF television footage and news stories from Fairbanks during 1976]
Footage and stories include a ground-breaking ceremony (6/76), cars parking along Second Avenue (6/76), building construction, a parking garage on Barnette street (6/76), an Alaska Railroad train with a bicentennial engine arriving in Fairbanks and students from Bethel departing on a U.S. Army bus, Tom Reidenhower (?) of Independent Lumber explaining insulating houses in Alaska and using vapor barriers (6/30/76), a man looking at a Capital Site Selection book (6/28/76), telephone switching equipment at Municipal Utilities System with workers on the job (6/76), men looking at weather equipment and launching a weather balloon (5/24/76), a raft race on the Chena River, preparations at the Alaska State Fair, workers digging out sections of the pipeline to repair welds (7/76), people boarding and riding a new borough bus (8/76), building construction (8/76), a CPR and first aid class (3/22/76), a meeting in Schaible auditorium at UAF (8/76), Fairbanks Emergency Services Patrol assisting drunks and bars in downtown Fairbanks (8/76), construction of the Borough Building on Fifth Avenue (8/76), and Steese Expressway and Chena River bridge construction.